
Agency Section NumberSection V – Human Resources
Agency/DivisionNC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS)
Policy Effective Date 2009-06-01T11:00:00-04:00
Policy Revision Date(s)2006-05-26,
Policy Original Effective Date2006-05-26 11:00:00
Policy File Pol5_SB_Teleworking.pdf

Policy Purpose

The DHHS teleworking program shall be administered consistent with the business needs of DHHS and the public served. It is recognized that DHHS, as a public employer, has a special obligation to insure that employees and resources are being used efficiently and productively. Use of the teleworking option within a division, office, facility or school is at the discretion of the division/office/facility/school director. A telework arrangement is not an employee right or entitlement. A telework arrangement may be terminated at will by either the employee or the supervisor. This provision does not apply to Home Duty Stationed employees. This policy applies to all permanent full-time, part-time, and time-limited employees of the department.